Watch video OKAIO lumiére ... SURPRISING ... and click Shop My first shop selling art photo printing!

Here is in an original door-folio the church our lady of Poitiers in different colors realized with 3 flashes okaio a result(profit) in compliance with the reality of the depiction on the stone a reality of the surprising truth that of your eyes...

Photos of the summer, 1995 of the Church Notre-Dame of Poitiers realized by them limp in lights okaio and in the time(period) to promote my innovations financed by the mayor but regrettably refusal of the heights of the process to make postcards (nevertheless they were generously(coarsely) paid and I free rights) I was on a big stepladder then on each side on perches (with the sons(threads) synchronization (passing over people! 20 m on each side) which(who) go towards them limp in okaio light held by voluntary 75-year-old friends and a grandmother every time thank you brief Mr Marcel a result(profit) more than amazing scientifically impossible and nevertheless the light Okaio makes her(it) looked the impossible is and in the flashes wouah there..